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Friday, December 18, 2009

Low Cal Cupcakes

I had a crazy idea. What if I made a crocheted cupcake, inspired by the crocheted tablescape at The Wayne Arts Center for holiday presents? Could I do it and did I have the time?

First I found a pattern that I thought was very cute. It was created by Teresa Richardson. There's also a video with it. A no-brainer? Not for this brain. I haven't crocheted since I was a child. And there were some unusual steps. I watched the video. Huh??? It was just too advanced for me. But I was driven. I had to make those cupcakes - 10 to be exact!

What's a girl to do? I called my friend Nancy. She is up for any challenge. She loves to knit, but hadn't crocheted for a while. But indeed she decided to give it a try. And success! I went to see her, armed with a crochet hook and some yarn, ready for my first lesson. The cupcake Nancy made was just adorable.

Here is the result of my crochet lesson (and many hours of crocheting and uncrocheting) and the drive to make my friends giggle! (I know, it does seem like I have too much time on my hands.) I loved making the cherries.

And now Nancy is hooked! She made me a doughnut. I love it. I'm tempted. Should I try another low cal baked good? I think my baking days are over.


  1. Everyone that sees my cupcake says, "Why do you have a crocheted cupcake?" I say if you have to ask you could never possibly understand!

  2. Your cupcakes look yummy! You did a great job!


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