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Thursday, January 28, 2010

Key West Houses

I have Key West fever. I decided that I had to make some of the typical conch houses that are all over the island, out of fabric. I went to The Seam Shoppe, which is the local quilt shop. It's actually the only quilt shop for 150 miles. I bought a charm pack and a few quarter yards and some sky fabric. I also had some fabric that was usable from another project.

This is a photo that I took of one of the house styles that you see everywhere. The hard part is getting a clear picture without cars or foliage blocking the view. The roof is metal.

This is my rendition:

It's small, about 4"x6".

Here's another house style,

and another.I made 15 of these little pieces. I couldn't stop. I turned 8 of them into a fiber book. The cover I made separately. I did the printing using WordArt with the computer. Timtex was used as a stabilizer to make the book rigid. It's constructed accordion style so that it can be displayed on a table or shelf. I plan on doing some beading along the top edge.

I am making the rest of the houses into postcards. I have also gotten carried away and started making postcards out of the fusible scraps. Stay tuned.


  1. I love the houses....bright clear colors! I got to do this!

  2. I adore the sun in the first house.

  3. Thanks Linda - I love swirls and try to use them whenever I can.

  4. WONDERFUL COLORS and so whimsical! Especially fun to see on a COLD northern day. Christine

  5. I love your book - it is so cheerful!

  6. Thank you for sharing these. They look so fun!

    Melissa Graham

  7. These are gorgeous - and inspiring for doing something similar based on "where you live" or places visited. Did you consider doing the title in handstitching at all - the individuality of the stitches would, imho, fit well with the cheery fabrics.

  8. Margaret - I agree with you. I was short on time and took the quickest path to completion.

  9. I can't wait to see these in person. They are adorable, and filled with personality!


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