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Friday, February 12, 2010

No Power

During our 2nd snowstorm in less than 1 week, we lost electricity yesterday. It was inevitable that the power would go out somewhere with the heavy snow and ice. We were the lucky ones. It happened sometime during the night. We woke up with no power.

It's amazing what you cannot do if there is no power coming into your house. Since we have what they call a triple play though our cable company - internet, phone and TV, all that was gone. No phone! But there are cell phones - as long as they are charged.

So I thought, no problem. I can sit near the fireplace and do some handwork. I just have to cut out some shapes and fuse them. No iron! So I thought the most productive thing I could do was to organize and fold my fabric. That lasted for one shelf. See the black and white fabric in the upper left corner?(Pardon my mess.)

While I was in FL, I made a great scrap quilt from a really easy free Moda pattern. Everything is cut into 3"x8" rectangles. To help to "use up" some of my fabric, because clearly I have way too much, I thought I would make a "Quilt of Valor" for homecoming soldiers in red, white and blue using homespuns. First I pulled my reds and started the cutting. But it was all rumpled near the selvages. Oh I would just go and iron it- oh no I couldn't!

So I went out to help shovel the driveway. The benefit of that was when I came back inside the house, it actually felt warm. As we were standing in the family room talking about how warm it felt, there was a little flicker of a light on our cable box! The power was not supposed to go back on until the next day. Could it be? Hooray! Power. It's a beautiful thing.

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