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Saturday, March 6, 2010

Mud Sale

I went to a mud sale today. Most people ask, "what is a mud sale"? There is no mud for sale, but it was really muddy due to the spring thaw of snow. A mud sale is an annual fundraiser done in certain towns out in Lancaster County. The goal is to raise money for the local Fire Department. They auction everything from quilts to horses to tools and antique furniture. There are hundreds of people. And lots of Amish made food, such as fresh donuts and pretzels. I can't believe how many Amish there are that live in the area. They must all attend this big event.
It is another world. This is a row of Amish buggies. Most of them are refurbished and they are waiting for their auction time. It really was a beautiful day. (We are so ready for spring.)

The best part of the mud sale is the quilt auction. Local women drop off their quilts to be sold. The women get a percentage of the sale and so does the fire company. There are no reserve prices. Some of the quilts are wallhangings. Some are made from pre-printed panels. Some are antique. Some are just beautifully done quilts, handquilted by Amish women. They have a great system of hoisting up the quilt that is for sale for all to see. First on the right side and then on the left side. It is a very efficient system that wastes little time.

This rack holds all of the 379 quilts to be auctioned. Seats are really hard to come by. The sale started at 8:30AM and was still going strong at 3PM.

Many bargains were had. Most of the bed quilts went for about $300. The pre-printed children's quilts sold in the range of $20. It was quite an experience. Hmmmm, there's one next Saturday at the Gordonville Fire Company.


  1. I know what a MUD Sale is. quite interesting. But what did you buy? please don't say a horse! CK

  2. The only things I bought were edible - soft pretzels and home made donuts. Yum!

  3. HI Cheryl,
    We have the list of mud sales on our refrig at Garden SPot. BUt haven't gotten to one yet. So glad you have.


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