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Thursday, April 15, 2010

An Afternoon To Recharge

While I was "working my butt off " (ha ha) at ProChem, my traveling companions (husband and dog) spent their days checking out the scenery of quaint New England towns nearby. They found lots of them, on the water and with lovely looking shops and lots of museums. Their trips underscored that next time we come to Fall River to dye, extra days must be built in.
But, my husband was so impressed by the town of Newport, RI, that we stayed an extra night. After class was over on Sunday, we drove about 20 minutes to see the mansions. I got whiplash. I didn't know where to look first. Eleven of the mansions are owned by The Preservation Society of Newport County, RI and are open as museums. These were summer cottages! During the late 19th century, families like the Vanderbilts fled the city for some R&R at the seashore. Their cottage is called The Breakers and is the centerpiece of the Newport Mansions.

There are also many private estates and mansions. Since we had little Bailey with us, we chose to do the gawking and driving tour. Walking would be the best option. We will do that next time. One of my favorite places was the Art Museum. Check out the slate roof:

There are also tons of restaurants and many little shopping districts. As we were driving in the cobblestoned area, I spotted Claire Murray's storefront. Stop! Find a parking space! I almost broke my ankle on the cobblestones as I rushed to the store. Claire Murray is famous for these gorgeous hooked rugs, many depicting seashore life. The shop was closed, but I was still able to snap a photo, while I was drooling over all these rugs.

And of course, when you are checking out the mansions, you have to check out some of the For Sale signs. Anyone have an extra $10-15 million?

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