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Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

My favorite thing to do on Mother's Day is to sew.  I stay in my pajamas all day.  I am not responsible for cooking or cleaning or even taking the dog out.  I start a new little project that I know I can finish in one day.  It's like a sewing vacation for me.

I have been playing with putting postcards into shadow box frames.  The frames really make the little quilts look more like works of art.

So I was thinking about taking one of my patterns from my upcoming book (Quilt Fiesta)  and making it in miniature and framing it.  I had to simplify it quite a bit, because instead of the blocks being 9 1/2" finished, this small quilt had blocks that were 1" finished.  I used a very small blanket stitch to do the applique and did not piece the border. 

Oh, I did have to get dressed to run out and get the frame - poor planning on my part.  But I finished it today and it looks great even in miniature.  The quilt measures 7"x7".  Happy Mother's Day to me and to all of you.

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