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Thursday, June 17, 2010

Guest Blogger, Kelly Meanix

I have a very good friend, Kelly Meanix, that is a wonderful quilter.  She has a special eye for color.  At one time she was a Thimbleberries girl and then one day, she gave away all of her fabric and went in a completely different direction.  Now she uses the clearest, brightest fabrics that she can find.  She is so knowledgeable about the current fabric designers and cutting edge blogs.  I have invited her to write about her favorites.  Kelly - take it away.

Hi Cheryl thank you so much for inviting me to post to your blog. I must admit I am hooked on them and look forward to reading them every day. Here are a list of some of my favorites besides yours.

CL:  Who is your favorite fabric designer?
KM:  I have many, I love Kaffe Fassett, Amy Butler, Heather Ross, Heather Bailey and Michael Miller Fabrics.
CL: I love Michael Miller also.  They sent me some free fabric for one of the projects in my book.

CL:  How do you find new blogs to look at?
KM:  I go to the ones I like then I check out their links and usually find similar blogs to the one I am looking at.

CL:  What draws you back to a blog more than one time?
KM: Lots of pictures and lots of quilts. I love to see the progress of projects they are working on. I like blogs that post 3 or 4 times a week.

CL: Does reading blogs give you ideas for projects?
KM: Yes it does and it also shows me the new fabrics that are out there that are not in my local quilt stores. I try to buy locally most of the time but occasionally I buy things on line.

 CL: Do you get motivated by reading blogs
KM: Yes I do. I see things that I never would have thought to try. Usually it is because of the fabrics they use. Like hexagons, I never had an interest until I saw them used in something other than Grandmother's Flower Garden with very contemporary fabrics. Blogs expose you to different people who do very different things, I love that!

CL:  Have you discovered a new tool/technique from cruising the blogs?
KM: Yes  I have found that I really like doing more improvisational blocks and again going back to the hexagons, English paper piecing. It is something I never had an interest in before I started surfing blogs. I think it has also given me the "courage" to do some things that other people may raise their eyebrows at.  Now I know there are other people out there that like what I like!

CL:  Tell me about the postcard challenge that you participated in - was that from a blog?
KM:The postcard challenge was from a blog. You signed up and they picked about 25 people to participate. Then it was closed (no one else could join). You made a post card for each person and they made one for you. It was sent through regular mail and we had a 2 month time limit to complete. Everyone except 1 person responded. I was so excited to get a new post card every couple of days for about a month. They came from all over the world which added to the excitement. There are many challenges like this all over Yahoo. Recently I participated in a pot holder swap here
CL: Do you only follow quilting blogs
KM: No I also follow some cooking blogs and home decorating blogs. The majority of them are quilting ones, like 99%!!.
KM: Cheryl thanks so much for inviting me to blog, I may just have to start my own.

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