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Thursday, June 3, 2010

Memorial Day Burgers

The weekend of Memorial Day brought beautiful, but hot, weather to Pennsylvania.  For this unofficial start of the summer, lots and lots of people head to the NJ beaches - or as they say here in the Philly area - they head "down the shore".  We are not beach people and do not go down the shore.  But, it was definitely a day to take a break from making Torah covers.

 There has been a lot of buzz about a new hamburger restaurant that had opened in Philadelphia, by Bobby Flay.  Bobby Flay - king of grilling.  I heard that it was so crowded, hours of waiting.   So, instead of having our own bar-b-que for Memorial Day, we thought since everyone would be out of town, down the shore, maybe we could get in.   So off we headed to Center City and Bobby's Burger Palace.  

A good sign - we got a parking space right in front of the restaurant. 

We really did not know what to expect as we entered the restaurant.  We had even phoned ahead to see if they took reservations.  Well weren't we surprised when we saw the menu on the wall and a counter where you placed your order.  
For my first time, I decided to order the classic burger.  Then, we ordered ALL the fried sides - french fries, sweet potato fries and fried onion rings.  You pay, get a number and find a seat.  The food is brought to you.

The decor is modern retro fifties with family style seating at both long tables and at the counter.  We had no problem finding a seat.

We did not have to wait too long for our food to be delivered to our table.  The "fried sides" came in these cute metal buckets.  The burgers were delicious and the perfect size - not too big and not too small.   A great Memorial Day Bar-b-que was had by all.

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