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Saturday, June 26, 2010

Powerless in Pennsylvania

Between 3 and 4 PM on Thursday, a powerful windstorm followed by a huge downpour came through our area.  Trees fell onto powerlines.  Power was lost to 200,000 homes.  The storm lasted no more than 20 minutes.  It predominantly affected 2 counties in our area. Many people felt it was a tornado.  The weather people say no. 

We have no power.  We have no telephone.  We have no internet.  We have no A/C and it's in the nineties.  I know it could be worse, way worse.  Noone has lost their life.  A few houses have had trees fall on them.  We are not supposed to get our power back until Sunday night.  Some say Tuesday!  That will be 3, maybe 5 days, but it seems like forever.  I have been desperate enough to go to Panera for breakfast to jump on  their internet.  Today, I am hanging out at my son and DIL's house, enjoying their internet, A/C and TV.  (Yes, I 'm a TV lover.)

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