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Thursday, September 23, 2010

Girlfriends Quilting Getaway

Three days of quilting, eating, talking, and fabric dyeing with four of your  best girlfriends (plus a doggie girlfriend) on a beautiful lake in the Pocono Mountains.  Nothing could be better to recharge your soul, your friendships and your creative juices.  Since I am the owner of this "retreat house", I really get the best deal of all.  These friends of mine do not allow me to cook, do the dishes or clean!  It can't get any better than that.

Everyone brings their own projects to work on.   I used to bring a new design to work on.  I would be giving my brain quite a workout. It turned out that it was great having my friends there for input, but I never finished anything.  On the other hand,  my friends would bring multiple projects with the fabrics already cut and they would power sew.  They got so much done.  I have now adopted their methods.  Finishing the tops for two braid quilts for this mountain home were on my agenda.  I decided I needed to use up my stash of homespun fabrics.  I cut it all up into 3"x8" rectangles.  I started it at our last getaway during our retreat in Maryland (at our alternate location) and I finished it during this retreat.  It's headed to my wonderful longarmer, Susie Rocabaldo, and when they are back, I'll share them.

We cut back on the food this year but still had way to much.  The winner of the most creative cooking award went to this cake, a quatro flavoraggio (a take off on pasta a quatro fromaggios).  Of course you had to have four pieces to taste each of the four flavors of frosting.  It was so yummy. 

We ate lunch and dinner on the dock, sometimes with a beautiful sunset.
And we spent a morning dyeing fabric in baggies and also dyeing thread outside.  That was so much fun and so productive that we had to run out and buy more fabric!

At the end of our 4th day, the weather was the most beautiful of all.  We just had to sit on the dock one more time to chat and think about what lucky girls we are!

So,to share this wonderful experience, I am thinking about offering retreats at my lake house that would include a 3 day workshop and delicious meals down on the dock.  I could accommodate 5 people.  If you have any interest,  shoot me an e-mail.


  1. What peaceful pictures Cheryl, ahhh. I agree with coming with everything cut, it's easier to talk and laugh when you're not worried about getting the cut right!
    What? No cake recipe?! It's a patchwork cake - hahaha!!!! Don't forget to post pics of your two quilts!

  2. That's a great name for that cake - A Patchwork Cake! I'll have to tell the creator, Terry.

  3. Count me in. Quiltgirl


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