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Thursday, November 25, 2010

And The Winner Is:

I am so happy to share these calendars.  The winners are:
Nancy H and Woolen Sails

I have so much to be thankful for this year.  Other than having a wonderful family, I have met so many wonderful people all over the world thanks to Quilt Fiesta and my blog, and have made lots of  new friends while traveling to speak to many quilt guilds.  Tomorrow I'll tell you about my visit to Mark Lipinski's house for my stint as a co-host on Creative Mojo.  If you haven't heard it, click on the logo on my sidebar.

Happy Thanksgiving to all my American readers and to anyone else that would like to take a couple of minutes and give thanks!


  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
    I will be having a happier one, and thank you for the contest.
    I look forward to hearing about your visit with Mark, sounds exciting and fun.


  2. Happy Thanksgiving Cheryl!
    I always enjoy reading your blog and your give-away made it even more fun! Thank you so much for sharing - I can't wait to see my calendar.
    Thank you, thank you, thank you!
    Have a great day!

  3. Happy Thanksgiving to you too, Cheryl (even if I didn't get lucky & win a calendar!),

    I should try to make friends with the embroidery unit I have of these days.
    I'm glad we've met & plan to keep in touch (at least via blog world!!!)


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