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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

We're Hanging

I belong to a great art quilt group with a group of women who have become my best friends and a wonderful support system.  We had this wonderful opportunity to hang some of our quilts in a delicious sandwich shop in West Chester,PA called The 3 Little Pigs.  And they serve a delicious chocolate cake.  (Ask me how I know.)
 The 3 Little Pigs showcases local artists and the exhibit changes monthly.  When we arrived, this is how the restaurant looked.

 And when we were done, this is how it looked.

So if you're in West Chester during the month of November, stop by, check out our quilts (they are for sale) and have a piece of chocolate cake.


  1. Your pictures turned out much better than mine! I am excited to see how this is received!!!!

  2. I'll have to stop in and check it out. Who did the chicken quilt? I have one like that. They look great hung. Kelly had some on her blog too.
    Debbi F

  3. Wow - you've really spruced up the place! I've never heard of Three Little Pigs - I have to look it up and visit!
    I so enjoy your blog Cheryl!

  4. These quilts improve the ambiance 200%. Hope the quilt artists sell some.

  5. I LOVE the Three Little Pigs!! I can't wait to stop in to see the quilts and have a piece of that chocolate cake that I have resisted thus far!!


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