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Thursday, January 13, 2011

I Need Help

I have been chipping away at my studio a little bit at a time. 
Today, I finally finished organizing and folding my cotton fabric. 
I think it looks very nice.  I hope I can keep it that way.

 The next area to tackle is my drawer full of my beloved rick rack and trims.  
It is a huge mumbo jumbo mess.  Help????

Any suggestions for how to deal with this?  I will entertain any and all ideas.  And if I use your idea, maybe I'll share some with you, like  a  finder's fee!


  1. How abut using Christine's binding method....roll it up on toilet/paper towel rolls and use a pin to secure. Then you can stack them up or lay them down and be able to see what you have at a moments glance?

  2. Easy Cheryl! just send it to me!!!

  3. But would you be willing to send it back?

  4. I love the idea of rolling it on wooden spools.
    It keeps it neat and looks nice.


  5. Roll them on empty toilet rolls or empty paper towel rolls.

  6. Over at Monkey See monkey Do she organized her ribbons like this.

  7. Oh oh oh! Pick me, pick me! I have an idea! Yes to Saturday-I'll bring lunch and crafting supplies (you start untangling that mess). :-D

  8. I put each different piece in separate ziplock bags. I sort the color groups together in a marked shoebox-sized tub with a lid.

  9. I don't know how big your pieces are, and I know you have MUCH more than I do, but I like to wind each one on a seperate piece of flat cardboard (cut up a cereal box with and old rotary cutter)about the size of a 3x5 card. I store them on edge lined up in a drawer. I use a pin to secure the end to the layer underneath. I can see what I have at a glance.

  10. Gotta love all that ribbon!!! :)
    Keep up the good work!! I'm right there with you :)


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