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Saturday, February 19, 2011

Sneak Peak

The furniture is in the garage.  The quilts are hung.  My studio has been organized (for the most part).  The floors are washed.  The food is prepped.  I am exhausted, but don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight.  Tomorrow is the Open House to celebrate the publication of my book, Quilt Fiesta.  If you're coming, here's a sneak peak.  If you won't be coming, here's what you are missing.

The Family Room sans furniture
Organizing the quilts
The Family Room turned Gallery
The welcoming committee with the Guest Book
The making of Mexican tissue paper flowers
The sun room with a bouquet of Mexican Flowers

Mini cupcakes waiting to be frosted        
 If I have time tomorrow morning, I'll try to snap a few photos of the food.  Look for the unique and amazing cookies with all the other Mexican snacks.  And on Monday, I'll be making a big announcement. 


  1. Wish I lived close enough to come, looks like it will be a wonderful day for you and your visitors.


  2. Wow. Your family room makes for an excellent gallery. Love it. Looks like this is going to be a wonderful open house. I'll be thinking of you.


  3. It was an amazingly exciting day. I may even start to rent out my house for gallery shows!!!! Now for the take down.

  4. You live in a gallery?!! :) Seriously, what a great venue. Beautiful quilts. And the cookies I saw on your DIL's blog? Fabulous! I wish I could have been there.

  5. I wish I could have gone! If we hadnt had that snow makeup I was going to drive up! Hope you had fun!!!

  6. Such potential great fun -- I can truly imagine how great the actual event was! And I look forward to your traveling book-blog-tour&book-give-away (Hope I win! actually I know I will just by visiting the sites you've selected!)


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