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Thursday, March 10, 2011

Annual Auction

Yesterday was our quilt guild's annual auction.  Calico Cutter's  annual dues do not fully finance our speakers, so we have to do some fundraising.  We started our meeting with a presentation of a check for over $3500 to the Chester County Domestic Violence Shelter.  This money was raised from our raffle quilt.  Their representative was quite overwhelmed.

We had our monthly Show & Tell.  I love this part.  Terry Kramzar brought her Ghost Orchids quilt.

It had just won Best of Show at The Quiltfest of NJ, put on by the Mancuso Brothers. Yay Terrry!!!    She made it to commemorate her Artist In Residency that she did last summer in the Everglades. 

Terry has started lecturing.  She talks about her adventures in quilting and shares her nature inspired quilts.  You can see more of her quilts at:

Our members bring food.  Lots of food.  Too much food.

Our members also donate items.  Local businesses and some quilt related businesses donate items.  69 Baskets were made from the items. 
My friend Chrisitine was the amazing auctioneer.

I donated some hand dyed wool and also  some cotton that I snow dyed.  It was the last basket and it brought $60!!!  Vicki was the happy winner.

A good time was had by all and we now have another year of great speakers and programs.

1 comment:

  1. What a great way to raise funds...and good job on your donation quilt!


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