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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Love and Inspiration

A friend of mine is a faithful follower of Geninne's Art Blog.   The other day she sent me a link to a little painting Geninne did in what she called a tin box that she bought at a market in Mexico.  My friend told me that I would love it, and I did. 

I own several of these tin boxes or nichos that I bought on a trip to Mexico.  Geninne's creation inspired me to use one of my own. 

People have asked me to share with them how to think outside the box.  So here's a little view into how my ideas sometime evolve.  For this project, I started with a heart theme.  I am partial to hearts.  They speak to me on an emotional level.  I created a tiny little heart quilt and embellished it with sequins and beads. 

But it needed more.  Something to add dimensionality.  But what?  I didn't know right away, but I let it ruminate.

One morning I was reading the newspaper and believe it or not, on the Sports page, there was my inspiration - this photo.

 And bingo!  There it was - a keyhole.  Keys and a heart.  The key to my heart.   That's the inspiration I needed to finish my piece.  I put a keyhole on my heart and added dimensionality by hanging key charms.

"You Hold The Keys To My Heart"

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