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Friday, March 25, 2011

This Is What Spring Should Look Like

A trip  to see a taste of Spring.  Longwood Gardens is in my backyard.  It is the most amazing place and is one of the premier botanical gardens in the United States.  Lots of eye candy and inspiration.  Today is the start of their orchid show and I have to tell you, there were hundreds of different varieties and one was more beautiful than the next.  My favorites were the little ones. 


  1. Beautiful pictures! Wish I was there to get inspired.

  2. Your orchids came out way better than mine...what a beautiful stroll in the flowers! good company too.

  3. Just beautiful. I love the cascade of orchids and the lady slipper. So ethereal and lovely.

  4. I love Longwood gardens! Especially at Christmas I love the conservatory and the eyeball fountain. Lucky!

  5. How about an orchid quilt book, Cheryl!

  6. I love Longwood Gardens, too! I haven't been there in ages. I remember going as a young girl, and on special occasions we'd eat at Mendonhall Inn, too! Thanks for helping recall such lovely memories! :)

  7. Such vibrant colors! I haven't been to Longwood Gardens since 1976! I wasn't sure if it was still around. Thanks so much for a little taste of spring. We northerners are anxiously waiting for the temps to get into the normal range of the 50's!


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