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Monday, April 18, 2011


Things have been quiet at this blog lately and may be for a bit longer.  I am working on another book.  It is so exciting and it is a very different topic than Quilt Fiesta.  In this book I will be sharing techniques that I have developed  and refined over the last 10 years.  Needless to say, I don't have much free time to do anything other than write and create.  But, I was reading a very interesting blog yesterday.  Lisa Call is a quilt artist  who has exhibited at the most prestigious quilt shows, including Quilt National.   I have admired her for years. Her quilts are very contemporary.  She is a prolific quilter AND works full time.  She brings her professional technical background to the creative part of her life.  The blog I was reading was about how she steams her heavily quilted pieces to flatten them before binding.

Tomorrow I am sending 2 of my quilts out to Colorado for the Denver National Quilt Festival.  One of my quilts, Filigree Fantasy has never been seen out in public before.  But I have been extremely worried, because I machine quilted it like crazy and the edges were wonky.  Take a look!

 I wasn't sure how it would hang at a show.  After reading Lisa's blog about binding a quilt, I decided to give it a try.  I got my squirt bottle and my steam irone and then I pressed and steamed and pressed and steamed.  And then I let it sit overnight.
And I was thrilled to see how flat it was.  Thanks Lisa for the giving me the courage.


  1. Looks great, you have to tell me how you did it.

  2. Oh I have a quilt that I love but hate that with all the quilting it is not flat. Does the binding have to be removed and the reattached? I will try just pressing first.
    Debbi F

  3. This quilt just took my breath away with and without the wonky.

    Absolutely Gorgeous!!

  4. fabulous quilt- love it!, glad the steam worked

    a little trick I learned is to fold on the bias - keeps fabric from getting the creases from the fold...

    How to do: take the corners and fold toward the center (its makes something that looks like the back of a square envelope) plus you can do this for even bedsized quilts by continuing to pull the corners to center until it's the size you want it to be.

  5. I need to remember that....have heard about that technique but need to do it. The quilt looks great even photographed at an angle.

  6. I love this quilt- it's beautiful, and the steaming worked great. Thanks for posting the pictures.

  7. What a beautiful quilt! thanks again Cheryl for the wonderful class you taught two weeks ago our guild auction. I enjoyed the day immensely!
    Elaine Mayer

  8. Wow! Filagree Fancy is out there. Looks great. Wing your way safely!

  9. Beautiful quilt, Cheryl! Love the colors.
    Norma H.


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