My etsy Shop


Monday, June 6, 2011

1st Friday

Haddonfield is a bucolic little town in NJ.  You leave the main highway and drive down their main street called Kings Highway that doesn't look at all like a highway.  It is lined with the most gorgeous houses that are not quite mansions, but are big and stately.  They have a first Friday celebration starting in May and the wide sidewalks are lined with invited artists and many of the resturants have outdoor dining.

Friday night was an absolutely perfect night.  Warm enough for short sleeves.  Not too hot and a bit breezy.  I was invited to do a booksigning at a quilt shop, The Little Shop.  I had only been there once a few years ago.  It is almost an hour from my house.  The owner, Debbie, likes to choose her own talent to hang out in front of her shop.  We hung a few of my quilts on a quilt rack and draped another over the table.  I really enjoyed sitting outside signing books.  The only problem was that the delicious smells from the various resturants was making me so hungry.

(Oops!  This is where the photo is supposed to be of my quilts outside of the shop.  I inadvertantly erased it from my iphone.  Arghhhh!)

Debbie asked me if I could leave the quilts for a while to help sell more books.   I immediately said that I could.  She didn't know that I had an ulterior motive.   I can't wait to go back to her shop to buy fabric.  She has a great selection of current fabric, lots of buttons and trims and tons of unique patterns - lots of cute children's things.  Plus the town itself had a bunch of shops and restaurants I'd like to check out.  Would I mind leaving my quilts?  No problem!


  1. Please take a(nother) picture when you go back to get more fabric, I mean pick up your quilts! We'd love to see!!


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