My etsy Shop


Saturday, July 30, 2011


My future DIL is a master knitter.  She was a yarn sales rep when my son first met her.  The knitting world has an amazing website,, that contains everything about knitting. It lists blogs, patterns and tutorials.   When it was first launched, you had to be invited to be part of the community.  (Check it out if you like to knit.) Loren was invited and was very active.  She had a blog and was known as the Surley Purler. Life has moved on for her and she has found that working a more than full time job, running a household and having a fiance leaves little time for blogging and knitting.  She has found a bit of time for quilting with her future MIL - hooray!

Last week, when she was machine quilting her quilt (see previous post),we were chatting and she wanted to know why I didn't have my patterns available to download.  She told me there are many times she comes across a pattern, likes it, and downloads it on an impulse. Who has the time? I told her when she leaves her full time job, she can come work for me and she can upload my patterns to be sold as e-patterns.  Hahahahaha! (I didn't tell her that I couldn't pay her.)

So you know when someone puts a thought in your head and it vegitates and ruminates and grows?  And I recently received a newsletter with a website that my friend had mentioned.  I checked out
It is an amazing place.  You must check it out. It is the ultimate in immediate gratification.   I don't know how many patterns are listed, but one of mine has now "joined the club".  Search for menorah.

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