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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

An Amazing Art Quilt Book Giveaway

Lark Crafts is an amazing book publisher, located in North Carolina.  Each and everyone of their books is full of photos of whatever it is that they are showcasing. They make you drool. Topics of their books range from quilts to handmade books to Judaic crafts.  I must admit that I own quite a few of their books.  And the bonus is that these books, that really are eye candy are so reasonably priced for what you get.
Masters: Art Quilts, Vol. 2: Major Works by Leading Artists

Art Quilts Vol 2 of MASTERS - Major Works by Leading Artists is their newest publication. And it does not disappoint. I wish that I could tell you that I was one of the artists - but I am not.  But what I can tell you is that I am part of the book blog tour to help promote the book.  You may have been to some of the other blogs.  I am near the tail end.  So it is going to be one of your last chances if you want to win a book.  Leave a comment and become a Follower.  Make sure you include a way for me to contact you if necessary.  I will pick a winner on Thursday, September 8th.  I will post the winner here.

There are still a couple more blogs to visit where you can win a book.  Check them out:

9/8 Deborah Boschert-
9/9: Brenda Gael Smith-


  1. Hi Cheryl
    This looks such a great book - I would love to win a copy!
    I'm a follower!

  2. I would love to win this book and am - yes - disappointed that you're not one of the authors!!

  3. I love art quilts- and this would be a great addition to my quilt book collection!

  4. Would love a chance to drool other the eye-candy :-)

  5. Oh please pick me! I just signed up to follow you. I love love love your book!

  6. I find I enjoy the "collection of quilts" books a great deal. I have the "100 best 20th century quilts" book and the "journal quilt" book and use them for inspiration when the grey days are here. This would be a great addition to my library.

  7. I am so excited about this book!! Please count me in!

  8. Would love a copy of this book!!! I'm a follower now - love your blog!!!


  9. I would love to win this book! Thank you for the opportunity!

  10. This would be a wonderful book to win! Thank you and Lark books for the giveaway!

  11. Loved the first one and I'm sure this one is also amazing. Thanks for the opportunity.

  12. the book looks delicious.. Please count me in. Kris ( in northern Virginia)

  13. I would like to win the book. The first volume is wonderful and I really want this one too! Thanks for the opportunity.

  14. I wold love to win this book! I have the first one and I know this one will be as good!!!

  15. Thanks to you and Lark for the opportunity. Lyn at

  16. Looks like a fabulous book; hoping to win a copy, if not I will surely need to purchase it.

  17. Looks like a great book. Thanks for this opportunity. I am now following your blog and am really enjoying reading your posts.

  18. yes, I would love to win a copy of this book! thanks for giving us a chance

  19. Would love to win a copy of this book! (I've got volume one--it's great!) And of course, I need more inspiration so I can have lots more UFO's ;) I'm already a follower (of course!)

  20. Thank you for a chance to win the book. I am looking forward to an update on the stressful sewing project. The design is beautiful, the fabric is great, I wish that combining the two could be more fun for you, but I'm sure the final product will be gorgeous!

  21. Please include me in your drawing. I would love to win a copy of this book.

  22. I would love a chance to win this book, I love art quilts and hopefully I will be able to try some this year and have some fun experimenting. It is nice to have a book for inspiration and ideas.

    I am a follower.


  23. I'd love to win this book -- thanks so much for participating in the give-away!

    Sandy in CA

  24. I would love to have this in my library! I'm a follower!

  25. Ann E. Ruthsdottir

  26. I follow your blog. This would be my first art quilt book if I am so fortunate as to win a copy. Thanks for that chance.
    p.s. Your new quilt could be named ripple tiles, or water ripple tiles.

  27. You know how much I want to win. Pick me! Pick me!

  28. put my name in the hat - there are some wonderful artists featured in this book.

  29. (hope this works using a different browser) please put my name in the hat - would love this book

  30. Vol 1 was wonderful. Would love to win vol.2!

  31. Hey I'm in!! I'm a Follower in GFC and a subscriber in Google Reader.

  32. Count me in the draw for this awesome and inspiring book. I am a follower. Thanks!

  33. I would love a chance to win the book!! I also love all the treasures you found at the bead show, too!

  34. What an exciting opportunity! And how much fun I have had visiting all these blogs. If I wish really hard to win the book, do you think it might work?

  35. I hope I'm the winner! I'd love to drool over what I expect is fantastic eye candy! Yum! Thanks for the chance to win!

  36. I am wishing and hoping I'll be chosen for this beautiful book. Thanks for the chance.

    I'm a new follower.

    wordygirl at earthlink dot net

  37. I can't wait to see the beautiful quilts in this book. Lots of eye candy!

    I'm a new follower. Thank you for the giveaway and a chance to win.


  38. I also would love to win this book. Hugs, Diane Miller

  39. Still trying to win this wonderful book! Thanks for participating, Cheryl, to give us another chance. I have become a follower AND have put you in my google reader.

    I love your silk dupioni project! How's it coming along? Last time I was there I also bought some silk dupioni, but was sorry I was only able to buy $100. worth. I've cut swatches of that (to avoid duplicates) for when I'll be back there in a few weeks. Haven't thought about what I'm going to do with it yet, though.

  40. I could really use some eye candy. Hoping I win a copy of this book.

  41. I'm still in the running for winning this book! I hope you'll be my lucky star this time. I love the photos of the creation of the tile quilt and how you made changes to the block as you went along.

  42. I could really use some inspiration right about now. Hoping I win this fabulous book.

  43. ooh I love the first volume and hope to win this. Thanks for the chance!

    liberalsprinkles at gmail dot com

  44. Don't know if I got in, in time - but I just saw your post on quiltart. Hope it's lucky! :)

  45. I don't know if I got this in, in time - but I just saw your post on the quiltart list so I thought I'd give it a shot. Hope it's lucky! :)

  46. I would love to win this book. Thanks for the opportunity.

  47. Spooky! Yet another connection to my past through you!! We lived in NC for a few years prior to becoming fulltime RV'ers!

    I've never heard of Lark, tho or their books, but it sounds beautiful! How could quilts be otherwise??? Would love to see it, so thanks for the headsup & giveaway!!

  48. I'm a follower and would love to win that beautiful book!

  49. I would love to win a copy of the book and am a follower!

  50. Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy of this book.
    I have enjoyed the first volume immensely and would love this as well.

  51. I love your blog and love Vol 1 of this book. Vol 2 would inspire me, I'm sure, as has the other.

  52. Oooh, Oooh, Pick Me, Pick Me!!!!

  53. I love books about quilt art! Still have a hope!


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