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Sunday, September 11, 2011

Ark Curtain Part II

Many of you have been asking me how the ark curtain is coming. For a while I could not answer that question.  Now,  I am happy to say that it is coming along well.  I finished the right half today and put the 2 sides together.
 Ta Da! 
I am thrilled with how it has turned out, so far.  The silk has such a beautiful sheen.
It measures 75" high x 64" wide

 I really needed my deodorant as I squared up each side before I put them together.  I could not have done it without these pattern maker weights.

I don't remember who gave me to me, but I had two.  I knew one day they would come in handy for something.  They are deceptively heavy and they did not budge as I pulled and tugged the curtain.

I made the decision to give it to my friend,  Barb Persing for quilting.  She is an award winning long arm quilter.  I think this piece deserves the type of creative quilting that she can do.


  1. It turned out beautiful and I just know Barbara's quilting will enhance you hard work. Will we ever get to see it in person? Just beautiful, now take a deep breath and relax.
    Debbi F

  2. Cheryl,

    They truly look like piece of art! You did an amazing job with them.
    The design looks like the rising sun with endless energy and possibilities.

  3. This is fabulous! Worth all your time and effort. Liz

  4. This turned out fantastic, Cheryl! Can't wait to see what the quilting adds to it. When I click on the image and it enlarges on my screen, larger than the screen, then scroll up and down, I can feel the successful effect of the rays spreading out. Cool!

  5. It's gorgeous Cheryl, and so much work! It must feel great to have it all put together. Show us more photos after it is quilted.

  6. Cheryl it is amazing. What an incredible vision you had and your talent to put it into fabric tremendous!!!

  7. Wow it looks great! Your hard work was well spent!


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