My etsy Shop


Monday, November 7, 2011


Most of you know what I mean when I say  I am destashing.  I had a bin of fabric in the basement full of Chanukah fabric.  What am I saving it for?  I almost never use this type of fabric in my Chanukah patterns/designs.  So let's let it go!

My husband is the e-bay pro in my family and he always wants to get rid of stuff..... especially my stuff!  We took the fabric out of the bin and measured it all.  I panicked right before he wrote the listings.  What if I have grandchildren and want to make them a chanukah snuggle quilt?  So I grabbed back 2 of the larger pieces.  The rest of it went up on e-bay yesterday.  If you are looking for Chanukah fabric, click here .  If you want to see more, go to my other listings.

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