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Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Jersey Shore

 I just returned from a 2 day visit to Toms River, NJ and the Beachplum Quilters.  This is an energetic, fun-loving group of ladies with a new and fearless leader.  They have big hearts and do lots of community outreach.  It reinforces for me,  if someone needs a comfort quilt, ask some quilters!

After a well attended lecture Friday night, I retired to my hostess' house. Now I have been a bit intimidated about staying in a guild member's home.  I am a terrible sleeper and get up around 3 AM. I prefer to stay in a local hotel.  But I was wooed by the program chairperson, yes you Genny, to stay in the President's home.  She told me I would have to make time to have a cup of tea and sit and enjoy the view of the water.  Well I am a sucker for a water view.   I slept in her amazing sewing suite, complete with a bathroom , a closet full of fabric, a comfy day bed and an amazing cat collection.  This was my favorite.  I am partial to the Halloween variety.

In the early morning, I took my handwork and settled into a beautiful sunroom with wicker furniture and stitched away with my waterview.  For breakfast, her husband made blueberry pancakes from scratch.  Yum.  Thanks Ellen and Rich.

Saturday was workshop day.The ladies did a great job.

BTW, Rich makes the most gorgeous reproduction thread caddies and cabinets. This one is made from beautiful birdseye maple.  I definitely could have slid one into my overnight bag, but my Mother taught me better!  Check out his website to see a better picture.

This was my last gig until next March.  I'll be taking some time to regroup and doing some fun projects and developing some new talks and workshops for 2013 and getting ready for my next book, Sew Embellished! to come out in April.  I'll be posting my travel schedule for 2012 after the holidays.

Have a great Thanksgiving.  I have so much to be thankful for this year including all of you that take the time to read about my adventures in quilting and my crazy sense of humor.  Please keep reading.


  1. What a gorgeous view, I need to go with you next time. I am looking forward to your new book coming out!

  2. What a wonderful post about your trip. I could get used to that water view too. I am so glad you had a nice time. Rich's thread caddy is beautiful. He is so talented. Have a nice break from teaching and I can't wait to see what new ideas you come up with - you are sooooo creative!


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