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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Design Dilemma Solved

Thank you for all of your opinions about my scrappy quilt.

I have to tell you that my overwhelming desire to see what the orange peel blocks looked like butted together outweighed everything.

 I really do love the circular pattern that is formed.

But I couldn't let the 9 patches go to waste. 

I am not crazy about how the 9 patches worked out.  It looks a bit old fashioned.  I think when the quilt is on a bed and the 9 patches are the drop, it will look fine. 



  1. Cheryl!!!
    I love hot it looks!I need to make a traditional quilt soon. You finished this one quite fast!
    Hope you are having a good morning so far.. Bike ride today?

  2. I think it looks great! I have an orange peel quilt from the 1940's...

  3. A scrappy wonder! It's beautiful and not at all old-fashioned. Awesome job!

  4. I think it would look beautiful no matter how you arranged the blocks. Great job! You have inspired me to put this quilt on my todo list for 2012. Thank you

  5. Love that decision and the drop of 9 patches grounds it nicely. Have a happy new year :-)

  6. It turned out great. I wonder how it would look in "my" colors???

  7. It really looks great!! I love it and it doesn't look a bit old fashioned... folky, I say!!

  8. back connected....I love the quilt & can't wait to see it in person.

  9. back connected....I love the quilt & can't wait to see it in person.


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