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Thursday, December 22, 2011

I'm A Sucker For A Bike Ride

So what does a nice Jewish girl do on the 2nd night of Chanukah? 

Last night combined two of my favorite things - Christmas lights and bicycling.  The purpose was to tour the island of Key West to view the best decorated houses by bike. the organizers recommended that you also decorate your bike.

So I went to the dollar store and bought a few things.  I turned a fluffy stocking into a hat for Bailey.  I found this cool tie (for a dollar???) and added some foliage to my bike's handles.  We were definitely ready for the ride.

I didn't take any pictures of some of the most creatively decorated houses because I was too busy trying not to fall off my bike or swerve into another cyclist.  But in case you think I lost a few marbles on my drive down here, check out some of these other riders:

If you have not been to Key West, you can see from these photos, that anything goes here.

As we rode our bikes down the main drag (haha), Duval St,  instead of being the spectators, we became the spectacle.  It was a grand time.  I can't wait until next year.  In the interim, I have to find some of those battery powered twinkle lights.


  1. All most fell off the chair laughing. Years ago my DH and I took a bike tour of Key West with a large group of British women. Our tour guide was named Betty or Bonnie (something like that) but had a deep, deep voice and an adam's apple. Being proper the Britsh women spent half the tour arguing if they should call our tour guild him or her, sir or mam...whatever! It was a fun tour...

  2. That is a fun and unique way to enjoy the holidays.
    Happy Chanukah!


  3. You are too cute......looks like you are having the best time. I am so happy for you. Bailey looks adorable!!!

  4. Bailey looks so cute in her hat! Looks like you had a good time too!!!


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