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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wednesday's Wanderings #7 - Winter

This has been the craziest winter.  While I was in Key West, the weather up North in PA was often in the 50's.  Definitely unseasonably warm. I didn't really think that was fair.  After all I was in Florida!  There was a bit of snow while I was gone.  And usually there is at least one big snowstorm when we get home in February.  The temperature this past week has hovered around 50 degrees.  This is winter? Thus the inspiration for my block this week:

I experimented with this block as a prototype for an upcoming project.  I tried various colored backgrounds from grey to white to blue.  The snowflakes were the most visible on the light blue shot cotton.  I must have cut out about 50 fusible snowflakes from lame and organza. Some were successful.  Many were not.  I stayed true to the 6 pointed structure of an actual snowflake. 

Fusing a heat sensitive fabric like lame and organza requires a gentle touch.  I try to keep the iron hot to activate the fusible, but I cover the applique with a piece of cotton fabric and ironed lightly and quickly, so as not to melt the snowflakes.

I decided not to stitch down the snowflakes.  They were far too intricate.  To keep them in place  I covered the block with a piece of nylon tulle netting and machine quilted a grid.

I fused the letters on top of the tulle netting using a piece of cotton fabric as a press cloth. 
Then I machine blanket stitched them with rayon thread. 

I don't know what the rest of the winter will bring.
 I am not a big fan of shoveling snow or driving in it.
 So I would not mind if it continues to be a very mild winter.
 (I apologize to all of you who love to hit the slopes.)


  1. cool. looking out my window this AM: think you've got it! they say we might see those flakes today & they won't be so cute!

  2. this has been an abnormally warm winter season here in Virginia also. We may get a few snow showers here this morning, but it will mix with, then turn to rain solidly. It has been a very muddy winter. Your snowflakes are very pretty.I like that you mixed up the fabrics for them.They gave me some inspiration for a project I have only done the sketches for, so thank you for that!

  3. I'm loving this mild winter we're having in CT, but figure w deserve it after the horrible winter we had last year and the disastrous Halloween storm (17" of snow, trees down all over and no power). I'm loving your piece for this week, too. It looks great. I'm also working on a piece that involves fusing silk and lame to nylon organza. The cotton press cloth makes anything possible. You can see part of it on yesterday's blog.

  4. Love this winter sketch.. I am with you as far as snow goes:)


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