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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wednesday's Wanderings #9 - My View of Jerusalem

I am still wandering but heading home tonight.  Leaving this beautifully complex country will be so difficult but I can't wait to start making quilts inspired by this amazing trip (and sleeping in my bed and seeing Bailey girl). Here's my little quilt for this week.
My view of Jerusalem

In case you were wondering, I brought bits and pieces of fabric and fusible web with me.  My husband and I had a light dinner one night. Afterwards, I called the front desk requesting an iron and ironing board and then spent the evening creating.  I'll stitch it down when I get home.


  1. I can see the desert sun hitting on the buildings!

  2. What a wonderful trip you are having and I love your piece, so much inspiration, I am sure you have a notebook, filled with ideas.


  3. Your trip sounds fabulous! That's one part of the world that I have not been to. And aren't you clever to make your little block while it's still fresh in your mind.


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