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Saturday, March 24, 2012

A New Book: Art Quilt Portfolio, The Natural World

I was away for a few days, and when I got home there was a package on my doorstep addressed to me.  What could it be?  I didn't remember ordering anything.  It felt like a book and the return address was Lark Books.  Inside was an amazingly gogeous book:

I could not put this book down.  The quilts are organized in two different formats.  Interspersed with grouping of quilts by artists,  there are quilts organized by themes, such as water, leaves or animals. In the chapters devoted to a particular artist, there are 6 pages jam packed with quilts and words from the artist about inspiration, growth and technique.  Many of the quilts in the book I have not seen before which makes it so fresh and exciting to me.  I even made my husband look through the book to see all of the awesome quilts.

Usually when I receive a book to review, I give it away via my blog or I give it to a friend that I think would enjoy it.  But not this time.  I am keeping this book for myself.  If you want your own copy, you'll have to order it for yourself.  You can get it from Amazon, by clicking the link below.


  1. Definitely interesting timing for my question today!!!! can't wait to see!!!! might just have to order.

  2. Added it to my wishlist! thanks for the tip!

  3. That peacock on the front looks so realistic! Amazing!


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