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Thursday, March 1, 2012

Photos For My Foodie Friends and a Book Winner

I am what I call a conservative eater.  This does not connote quantity, it is about the types of food that I will eat.  I knew I would not have to worry about starving in Israel (ha ha).  Most of the restaurants are Kosher and most strange foods are not Kosher.  Here are photos of some of my favorites.

Hummus, to be eaten with the most wonderful pita bread I have ever had.

Isn't this a beautiful tomato display?

Hamentashen.  Delightful and delicious cookies.

Chocolate croissants

I met with a group of quilters and look at all of the beautiful food they served. Yum.

Shwarma - my big adventuresome meal - but not really.  It's chicken.
This is what it looks like on pita.

The winner of Jennifer Chiaverini's newest boo, Sonoma Rose, is ldlombardo.  Congratulations!  The publisher will send you a copy of the book as soon as you e-mail me your address.  If I don't hear from you in 2 days, I will have to pick a new winner since you did not leave an e-mail address:(


  1. What beautiful food! That hummus looks just amazing! How nice that you got to meet with a group of quilters. I've enjoyed your travel posts so much Cheryl, thanks for thinking of us during your wonderful trip!


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