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Friday, April 27, 2012

Happy Independence Day Israel!

It is the 64th anniversary of the formation of the state of Israel. To celebrate, our synagogue is having a get together of the members that traveled to Israel  in February, after Friday night services tonight. Part of the celebration includes a slide show of our trip. Another part of the celebration will include the display of my fiber book about the trip.

If you read my Wednesday's  Wanderings during my trip, you may recognize a couple of the pages.

ISRAEL  book cover

Page 1.  Inside Independence Hall.  Take note of the sheckels in the organza pouch.

Page 2.  In celebration of a Shabbat dinner at an Israeli home.

Page 3.  I fell in love with mosaics during the trip.
 This is my version based on a mosaic in Acco, at Or Torah.

Page 4.  Old City of Jerusalem

Page 5.  Planting of trees with the Jewish National Fund.

Page 6.  Map of Israel with many of the locations we visited.
Book Overview
I also decided to make a piece to thank our fearless leader and rabbi. It included our group photo at the independence Museum, a few photos printed on fabric and a couple of scheckels stitched on.

Thank you Rabbi Riegler for sharing your view of Israel with me.

Scheckels stitched to the piece.


  1. An absolutely beautiful book, Cheryl! Congratulations on not only making it, and having it be so creative, and attractive,..... but for all that it represents! Happy Independence Day, indeed!

  2. What a lovely memory keepsake of your trip. Thanks for sharing.

  3. You are so talented! Your designs, fabric choices, embelishments, everything is just great! What a great remembrance of your trip. Your rabbi will love the piece you made for him too! I love the little details you include like using a star of david design to attach the scheckles! So creative!

  4. Gorgeous, Cheryl, and such a terrific idea to turn it into a book!

  5. this is lovely! I really want to do a mosaic quilt one day, did you add a mesh on top? or how did you do it and keep all the little pieces down?

  6. This is so amazing! You brought the Israel book to Lisa's class -- so I got to see in person! I loved the mosaic bird! I agree with Nancy H.- you are so creative and talented!
    What is a "Scheckels "?


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