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Thursday, April 5, 2012

Lisa Call Workshop

The 3 day workshop with Lisa Call is over.  It's nice to get back to a normal routine.   
This is the piece I created based on her teaching us how to construct ladders wihtout a ruler. 
I love the colors and of course I had to add my own touch - the circles.

I definitely plan on adding sections to this piece.  I already have done some work on another section and have ideas for other sections.  That is how I plan on building this piece - section by section.  It's like putting together a puzzle.  One of my favorite ways of creating.

I did want to share Lisa's quilting.  Here is a close-up.
The quilting really adds so much to the integrity of the design.

Aren't these hand dyed fabrics gorgeous?  She dyes all her own fabric.
I actually love these colors.


  1. How fun are these! I love freepiecing...the circles are a nice touch.

  2. I love your ladders, they wouldn't be as fun if you made straight lines;)


  3. Hi Cheryl! I so enjoyed meeting you in Lisa's workshop! How cool was that to meet someone whose blog I follow -- and I did not even know you were going to be there! Your artwork in this workshop was so colorful -- you are truly an amazing, incredible artist and I love your use of color! I need your email address so we can stay in touch and meet again! Kathy S.

  4. Hi Cheryl! I so enjoyed meeting you in Lisa's workshop! How cool was that to meet someone whose blog I follow and I did not even know you were going to be there! You are an amazing artist -- I love how vibrant and colorful your work is! I hope to meet up with you again soon -- send me your email address so we can stay in touch! Kathy


Thanks for stopping by. I'd love to hear from you.