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Monday, April 2, 2012

Workshop With Lisa Call

Lisa Call is an amazing artist.  I have been following her blog for years and am quite an admirer of both her work and her work ethic.  She currently has an exhibit of her quilts at The Bluestone Gallery in Philadelphia.   The gallery is devoted to her quilts. She is in Philadelphia and I jumped at the chance to take a workshop with her - in the gallery!

And our worktables were set up right in the center.  It was inspiring being surrounded by her work.

Lisa Call and one of her larger pieces.
 This is my mess after 1 day.  Why can't I be neat and organized?

The basis for the workshop is piecing without a ruler. 

 Our first exercise.

My friendship star block made without a ruler. It's way too busy for me.  Too many colors.
 I need to control my exuberance. LOL

Philadelphia is a very exciting place right now for fiber artists.

There are exhibitions going on for the entire month of April.  There are lots of exhibits in galleries in Center City as well as Art  Quilt Elements in the burbs. A wonderful time for anyone that loves fiber.


  1. You were lucky to get a chance to take such a great class... I love her quilts that are hanging around the gallery!

  2. How lucky for you to take her class! Her work is awe-some!

  3. Lucky you! Can't wait for our next S&T.

  4. I loved all of YOUR artwork that you made in this workshop! I really enjoyed Lisa's class and it was especially great since I got to meet you and Terry!


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