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Sunday, May 20, 2012

Spring Quilt Market and Some Free Stuff

I promised to share my experience at the Spring Quilt Market. I have to apologize for the length of this post, but I hope you'll think it's worth it if you make it to the end.  The show is open only to the trade and it is overwhelming. I flew out to Kansas City to help Martingale promote my book at the Kansas City Convention Center.

My first visit to the convention center was during set-up.


Riley Blake

Wonderfil Threads

Clothworks  (Fabric)

Michael Miller Fabrics

It is amazing to see the effort and expense that the companies, especially those selling fabrics, put into their booths.

This is Michael Miller's booth after the show opened.  Can you see the circus themed backdrop?  I just love the elephants but after seeing them all  set up, I wonder how they shipped them.

It is really surreal and a pinch yourself moment, to see your name on the cover of a book.  Martingale aka That Patchwork Place has been so supportive and wonderful to work with.  Look at the end cap with my book projects!!!

And here's the banner that was hanging during my demo.It is 3 feet wide!  I got to bring it home :) 
 Where shall I hang it?  Hmmmm

 Everyone was very nice and so friendly.  I was star struck. 

Karen Combs and me in front of her new fabric, Midnight Blue.
Marcia Derse and her gorgeous fabric based on her hand dyed fabric.  I tried to get a sample.  Visit her website for a better look at that fabric: or visit your local quilt shop. 
Do I look like a shrimp or what?  Who knew Amy Butler was so tall?

I do love Susan Cleveland. She was generous in both her professional advice to me and she also gave me one of her Prairie Pointers. When I told her that I renamed this folded piece of fabric a crown in my book, she loved it. But I don't think she'll jump on the bandwagon.  I will definitely experiment with it.  If you want one of your own, visit her website:

I expected to see lots of pattern companies.  I loved this company.  Do you think it was because they had a bicycle in their booth?

A few companies gave me some freebies that I want to send to one of you, my blog readers. 

It includes a 1 yard package of Trans Web, one of my favorite fusible web products, made by HTC Handler. They were at the show.  I shared with them my consternation that I can only find their product on-line at Jo-Anns.  So they gave me some so I would go away(LOL)!

I do love this pattern from Hemma  for a carrier for a bag to hang on the handlebars of your bicycle.  I really want to make one for myself, but I promised to give it away.
 Do you think I can fit Bailey in it?

I went to a talk about life in Bali supported by the fabric company, Kaufmann.  It was fascinating plus they gave me a fat quarter of one of their artisanal batiks.

There's also a fabric tote from Andover Fabrics made from one of their latest fabric lines, some jumbo rick rack, a clear tote from Eleanor Burns, a plexi neon ruler and a few other goodies.

All of these items are going to be given to one lucky winner.  Leave a comment and become a follower if you are not already.  Make sure if you are a "no-comment blogger" that you leave me your e-mail.  I'll be picking a winner on Friday.

I don't know how many miles I walked going up and down all the aisles,
 but my feet are happy that I'm home.  And I want to send a big thank you to Susan Brubaker Knapp from who gave me lots of tips for maximizing my visit.


  1. Quilt Market always looks so great. I hope to get to go one day. The stash looks fantastic too. Thanks for the chance to win!

  2. Congratulations on your new book! The display looked wonderful.
    I have been trying to design a bag for my bike. I had NO idea that there is actually a pattern available for one, how neat!

  3. Wow... it truely is amazing how the setting up process develops!! Thanks for sharing these snaps and the goodies.

  4. Yes, it would be a dream come true to attend a quilt market, thanks for sharing your goodies.

  5. How amazing it must be to be there. Thanks for sharing your experience and thanks for the awesome giveaway. So nice of you.

  6. Congratulations on your book. Market looks fantastic. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Thank you for a peek into the Quilt Market. Looks like you had quite an enjoyable time. And thank you for sharing those wonderful goodies with one of us.

  8. Those elephants are amazing, and - by the way - I'm the same height as Amy Butler. :)


  9. It think my sister would love a cloth bicycle basket! What fun you had!

  10. Congrats on your book! Love the banner, how about hanging it over the front door? LOL! It looks like you had fun!

  11. Sounds like a great time and your blog, is as usual, chock full of info. Thanks for always taking the time to post all this helpful information for those of less in the know! Holly

  12. Cheryl: Your book display looks wonderful with some of your actual samples being there so people can see the projects up close and personal. The spring quilt market looks like a great place to see what's new and upcoming in the quilt world. I'm glad that you had the opportunity to be a part of the show this year!!!

  13. Thanks so much for all those pictures!What a great event! Love your book display!

  14. I loved the RB elephants! and had no idea Amy Butler was so tall!
    How exciting for you to be part of all this!

  15. Thanks for the great pics of quilt martket!

  16. Thanks for's always interesting to see the backstage view of a show!

  17. I loved seeing your impressions of Quilt Market! Thanks for sharing. How exciting to see your book displayed!!!

  18. Isn't market exciting? I got to go when my book came out and I was pretty overwhelmed. Glad you got some good advice and it looks like you had a great time. Hope your book does very well--it's definitely right up my alley!!!!

  19. Your book display looks wonderful with the finished pieces. I envy those who can go and grab all the goodies, so this is a wonderful giveaway.


  20. How fun. And congratulations on your new book! Thanks for the wonderful giveaway.

  21. Hi Cheryl... LOVE your stories about the Market visit and I haven't been to market since I moved art quilts rather than traditional, but would have loved to have been along with you! You have a tremendous eye for the unusual and the fun items in the booths and picking up on the newest of the new! Thanks so much for sharing!

  22. So, cool. I loved the elephants. Your book looks interesting, too! Thanks for all the pictures!

  23. Hi Cheryl... loved the walk through Quilt Market with you, You have a real eye for picking up on the terrific special features of the booths and that is the best part! So appreciate your intro to Amy Butler and more and she really is TALL! Thanks for sharing.

  24. Você doando seus presentes...generosidade a todo vapor,obrigada.Foi muito bom passear através de você

  25. I look forward to your book! Congrats!! And that pile of goodies looks like fun!!

  26. I look forward to your new book - congrats!! And that giveaway pile looks like fun ;)

  27. I look forward to your book! Congrats!! And that pile of goodies looks like fun!!

  28. It's nice to see you had so much fun, Cheryl! But, wow, with Amy Butler so much taller than you, can you imagine her next to Karen Combs, who is so much shorter than you?! Looks like a great bunch of goodies, but please do not count me in for the giveaway. I should be giving away things!

  29. Show sounds like a lot of work and fun.

  30. The elephants are amazing, so much inspiration. Thanks for sharing such a wonderful prize.
    I follow you. Your book is wonderful.

  31. Thank you for sharing about market---one wonders about the people behind the names :)

  32. I've not heard of Trans Web so I'd love to try it.

  33. Looks like a fun time. So happy to hear your insights and know you had a chance to go to quilt market. Your new book is wonderful and I hope everyone at Quilt Market also fell in love with it.


  34. It looks like you had a wonderful time at market. Living in Australia, I'm never going to get to one of these so it's nice to read about other people's visits.

  35. I am a happy regular follower, and I so enjoyed your post about Market! You must have been over the moon, and I am happy for you.

  36. looks like lots of fun! I have never heard of trans web. I would love to see a close up of the bicycle bag pattern.

  37. Hi Cheryl. It sounds like you had a great time at Market...thank you for sharing your experiences. And the display with your booth looked wonderful, you must have been so excited! Very nice of you to share some of the special goodies you picked up.

  38. Congratulations on Quilt Market - what a dream come true (I think I'd faint from the excitement of being around all of those beautiful fabrics and patterns!). I'm a follower - thanks for sharing your goodies!

  39. Wow it looks like you had fun! You got to meet Amy Butler!! Woo hoo, I need to hear all about this trip!!!

  40. Thanks for 'bringing' the Quilt Market to us through your wonderful feels as if we were there enjoying all the fun and excitement with you. Thanks for the giveaway!

    I truly enjoy reading your blog....very interesting and relaxing and soothing to the eye too!


  41. I'm already a follower. I just loved reading about the quilt market and seeing your photos! Thanks!

  42. I'm so delighted to have discovered your website and blog! I have admired your inspiring, distinctive quilts for some time now. Quite excited to see that you have a new book; will purchase a copy as soon as I find it for sale.

  43. I'm a follower and would love to win. I also have your book on order from my local quilt shop. I am anxious to get my hands on it.

  44. Cheryl,
    Loved your pictures and tour through Quilt Market with you. It's all very exciting. Your display was great. Thanks for sharing!

  45. Oh my gosh - did you have fun or what! What a treat, seeing your name up there in a big banner!!! So exciting - thank you for sharing it all with us, especially such a haul! What treasures! I hope you got enough to keep some for yourself too!! You can bet I'll try to get my Bailey in that bicycle bag!! It's getting too hot to take her on long walks anymore...I usually end you carrying her, and that's quite a challenge!

    Thank you for sharing everything!! :)

  46. I've been waiting for your post with glee! Fabulous pictures and you look amazing! LOVED how you were spotlighted at the Martingale booth - great display! Thanks for sharing everything, you're the best!

  47. Quilt Market is always fun! I couldn't go because I was teaching, but hope to be in Houston. Thanks for the peek and much success with your new book.

  48. We have missed you. Seems like you had fun!!! June

  49. Looks like you had a great time with all the vendors. Wish I could have been there too!

  50. Looks like you had a great time with all the vendors. Wish I could have been there too!
    Marilyn (

  51. Your book is on my "to get" list. I love your blog and expressive blocks. It is nice of you to share your loot.

  52. So fun! The trouble with quilt market is getting new ideas when you have a stack of UFOs waiting at home.

  53. Hi Cheryl,

    Hope you are enjoying the show. All the displays look very enticing. I would love to win some of the items you want to share with us.
    The display for your book is just great.
    Don't get too tired.

  54. wow! what a great show to visit.Iloved the elephants too.Great job

  55. What a fantastic experience for you, Cheryl!

  56. Wonderful report. I enjoy hearing an insiders view. Thanks!

  57. Great report. Nice to get an insiders view. Thanks!

  58. Wonderful report. I enjoy hearing an insiders view. Thanks!

  59. I'm a follower! Loved reading about your experiences at Market. Living it vicariously through you! Congratulations on your wonderful book!


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