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Friday, May 25, 2012

"Stitch A Story" Workshop

The Program person from The Evening Star Quilters located  near Belividere, NJ, has been following my blog.  She contacted me about visiting her guild about a year ago.  I gave my lecture about quilts inspired by Mexican Tiles a few weeks ago.  She also had booked me to do a workshop.

She really enjoys my Wednesday's  Wanderings and wondered if I could teach them how to make a quilt from a photo or picture.  Since I have been doing this for about 15 years, I thought it would be fun to teach it to others.  Thus "Stitch A Story" was born.  And did we have lots of fun.

I told them to bring either a photo or a memory or a story to use as inspiration for their quilt.
All of the ladies brought photos to work from. They created the drawing from the photo to make a 16"x20" quilt.  Most of them started working with their fabric.
  I'd love to be at Show & Tell next month!

Here's their work in progress:

It never fails that I learn something when I teach a workshop.  This time, my hostess, Rosemary, showed me this amazing portable ironing board she made:

  She bought the little folding table from Target and covered it, and uses it both as an ironing board and a cutting table.  Wouldn't this be wonderful for workshops?

Rosemary also took me on a tour of the barn quilts of Warren County.  One of the members of the quilt guild has initiated this project and it is catching on.  You can follow a driving trail:

And I get paid for this?????


  1. Hey why haven't you told me about this workshop? I want to do this too.
    I love the beach quilt, so me!!!


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