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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Wednesday's Wanderings #22 - Happy Freedom

I spent Memorial Day at our lake house with my favorite veteran, my husband.  I did not know him when he was drafted and served in the army.  I can’t imagine how hard it must be to live without your spouse for 2 years, more so if there are children involved. Or to send you children off to war. I  was lucky enough to meet him after he did his time and went to college.  We met when he was in graduate school. 

Memorial Day is to honor those that have died in service to our country.  At one time it was called Decoration Day.  I’m not sure when the name was changed, but it was quite a while ago.  Does anyone remember?
A fellow blogger, Sew Cal Gal, did a great post about Memorial Day.  It moved me and gave some options about we could do as both quilters and non-quilters to honor. 
I made a flag for Wednesday’s Wanderings, as both a decoration and to be all inclusive. We should honor everyone and anyone. It should be for all who have died making our country great, whether they were in the armed forces, or a policeman, fireman or a good Samaritan.

I started the block using the sew and flip technique on a backing of batting.  Stitched and quilted in one step. This is what it looks like on the back. It's a great technique to make a quick baby quilt, sewing strips that were cut selvage to selvage.

 Then I appliqued the background for the stars and attached the buttons with my sewing machine.

I just move from button to button with my feed dogs down.  I don't cut my threads.  When I have all of the buttons attached, I add a drop of Fray Chek to each button.  When that's dry, I snip the threads. I love these scissors for getting nice and close.

 Thank you to all of our service people, past present and future.  Thank you for our freedom.


  1. I love your version of a flag, something different and great to hang all year.
    I need to get the last of my blocks cut out for my civil war piece, then I can finish it and have something to hang for the summer.


  2. great version of the flag and yes, I thank them for our freedom too.

  3. Nice post and the flag turned out really good too!
    I am going to go read her post now....

  4. You are so productive! I like the buttons for the stars.

  5. My grandma always called it Decoration Day! I wondered if any one else remembered that! Thanks for giving me a great memory of her.

  6. Very cute little flag! Thank you to your husband and all those who have served our country!

  7. Gosh, this is so cute Cheryl. Inspirational. And I have some scraps and buttons on my sewing I'm going to make this today. Thanks!



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