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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Wednesday's Wanderings #24 - A Study in Perspective

I love how fences delineate the curves of the landscape.  They are an exercise in perspective as well.
These fences segment the pastures for the stables at Ridley Creek State Park.  I have always wanted to put them in a quilt.  Doing this little piece (6 1/2" x 8 1/2") gave me the opportunity to do it in a relatively short period of time.  But one day I still would like to make a larger quilt.

This is the run-in shed for the horses. 
and a close-up of the horse.  I made the mane out of wool embroidery thread.
This section of the fence is right along the road that we walk along to enter the walking path at the park. Sometimes Bailey is not attached to her leash (shhhh, don't tell) and she thinks the horses are for her to play with.  As she runs towards the fence, I freak out!  She has not run under the rails yet.

A few weeks ago I made a block with my interpretation of the wisteria growing in the park.  Unfortunately they ended up looking more like grapes.

I bought new buttons that were much smaller and lighter in color. 

 Now I am satisfied that they look like wisteria.


  1. Your quilts are looking good. Love the horse and the lighter, smaller buttons are doing the job.

  2. Your horse looks so good, love the fringey mane. I think you made a good decision to change the buttons, it really does look like wisteria.

  3. Love how you took the elements of several photos and combined them into a quilt. The blanket stitching also adds to the interest.

  4. Very nice on both counts. I agree with the smaller, lighter buttons, but save those purple ones for grapes in the future.

  5. Cheryl - I love your Wednesday Wanderings, they were even better in person! Can't wait to give it a try - we have a plan... Frankie

  6. These are both such wonderful pieces, love how you use embellishments.
    I did horse hair once, but it didn't hang right, love your mane.


  7. Wow, you are such an inspiration! I wanna be just like you when I grow up!


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