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Sunday, July 8, 2012

Being A Francophile

I came across this adorable video this morning.  Click on the link for a most delightful treat!

The timing could not have been better.  The bicycle race known as The Tour de France started last Saturday, June 30th.  These amazing athletes will ride their bicycles for 3497 km or 2172miles.  Those that survive will ride into Paris on Sunday, July 22nd sipping champagne.

I used to be an avid cyclist.  I would spend hours on my bike during the weekends, often riding over 100 miles.  I was lucky and  traveled many places such as Spain, Canada, the Fingerlakes of NY, the Outerbanks of NC and I even rode my bike across the entire state of North Carolina from the mountains to the shore.  Bicycling consumed my life.  I was the most fit I had ever been.  I had little time for quilting.  This ended several years ago and now with 2 broken shoulders and 50 lbs heavier, I still love to watch the pros ride their bikes and I do enjoy an occasional bike ride, especially with Bailey in my basket.

My most favorite bicycling vacation was a trip to France.  It was during The Tour and my husband was with me.  It was a group trip.  We would spend the days riding through the most beautiful little villages and the nights eating 3 hour dinners.  We stayed in a village called Autun in the Burgundy region.  It was 2007.

The best day of the trip was the day that the cyclists rode through Autun.  In the morning, the leaders of our trip led us on a ride over a section of the day's stage early in the morning.  There were fans and  RVs already lining  the road waiting for the pros. But in the meantime, they were happy to cheer us on. At first I felt a little self-conscious ( being the slowest one of the group) and then I started waving and just enjoying the entire experience. 

The riders were to come through Autun in the afternoon.  We hit the little market and stocked up on baguettes, cheese and meats and headed to our hotel room overlooking part of the course.  With the TV giving the commentary in French, we waited for the riders to come past our window.  It was one of those European style windows that opened like shutters.  We knew when the riders were close and as they approached, we leaned out our window and cheered them on as they rode by. 
 Allez!  Allez!


  1. What a wonderful memory and a wonderful way to explore France. I would love to ride though the English and Irish countryside.


  2. Oh Cheryl.. What a fun trip! I had always heard you mention your trip to France but glad to read all the stories of it too.

  3. I love watching the tour. How exciting that must have been and so nice to have as a memory.
    Debbi F


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