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Thursday, July 12, 2012

My Mulligan

For those of you that don't have a golfer in your life, a mulligan is a do-over.
Here's my do-over

I received some great tips to getting good contrast:

1.  Kelly of told me since she has been using one of those red see-thru plastic viewers she has had very few contrast issues.

2. Judy and Norma recommended using a design wall and stepping back frequently.

3.  Cornwoman suggested sticking with a more solid looking background.


  1. Now we all can see how pretty it is!

  2. Ah, yes! Much better! And you still got to use those cute polka dots.

  3. I can see the embroidery much better now. Very nice!

  4. If i am using colors and a busy design, I tend to go with lighter shades with a minimal amount of pattern, but if I am doing all black, I will go with a darker shade and pattern.


  5. Love that you've still kept the spots. Happy weekend ;-)

  6. Pretty! Also looking at the block and threads through a camera view finder or a peephole will show you how successful the contrast is. But this looks great.

  7. I have a red viewer and love using it. Sometimes I am surprised how many mediums I have when i think I've done such a good job!
    Debbi F

  8. Great mulligan! And you still got to use the polka dots!!

  9. I never would have thought of the red contrast viewer, that is a great idea! I am trying so hard to catch up, and never saw the first but the mulligan is nice. :)

  10. Lovi the blog and I totally need the red viewer...I think it will really help me with value choices!


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