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Saturday, December 8, 2012

A Scrappy Chanukah

It all started with a Bonnie Hunter workshop.  After deciding to make the scrappy workshop quilt from my Chanukah stash, I first cut up the larger pieces of fabric to make pillowcases for
 ConKerr Cancer, an organization that provides cheerful pillowcases to children with cancer.  They would be perfect for the Jewish kids during Chanukah.    I was able to make 9 pillowcases.  You can read more details in this blog post.
It started me down the road of using up all of my Chanukah fabrics that I started collecting in 1996.  It was truly time to get rid of them. With all the Judaic patterns that I have designed over many years, I never have used a Chanukah themed fabric.
It started with Bonnie's Scrappy Bargello pattern. 
Then I made the border by cutting hundreds of 1 1/2" strips.
I named the finished quilt "A Multitude of Menorahs".
But I still had scraps and pieces of fabric left , so I decided to make tablerunners.
I ended up with 3 tablerunners and finally used up ALL of my Chanukah fabric.

To night is the first night of Chanukah. We will light one candle using the candle in the middle.
 It lasts for 8 nights  more candle.
Tonight my kids will come over for our traditional dinner.
We will light the menorah, stuff ourselves with potato latkes (pancakes) and exchange gifts.
 Wishing a Happy Chanukah to all who celebrate.



  1. Your quilt is beautiful! I am not Jewish, but I have been tempted to buy some of the Chanukah fabric in the quilt store because I love the blue.

  2. Those are beautiful and beautiful to decorate your home with.
    I hope you and your family have a wonderful Chanukah filled with love and memories.


  3. Happy Chanukah! Great ideas on using up some Chanukah fabric! I'll have to get busy. My husband is currently frying latkes....

  4. Love your scrappy quilt (the border ties it all together) and wish you and your family a Happy Chanukah!

  5. Oh, wow, it is SERIOUSLY time for me to use up all my Chanukah fabrics, too! Too many dreidels! Thanks for the eye candy and the big inspiration! You made wonderful things out of them!

  6. Happy Chanukah! Love the quilt and tablerunners!

  7. Happy Chanukah! Beautiful pieces!

  8. Happy Chanukah. Beautiful projects.


  9. Thank you for the inspiring quilts and for this site! It is exactly what I have been looking for!


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