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Monday, September 4, 2017

Denver and the Rockies

The view of The Rockies when driving in Boulder is just jaw dropping.  It was hard to keep my eyes on the road. And the cyclists were everywhere.  The way they road up the mountains in that elevation amazed me.
The day after filming The Quilt Show, I headed into the mountains to an artists' open house.  I went to meet Barbara Yates Beasley who makes amazing animal quilts.  (She is actually my gift to myself.  Stay tuned for Part 3 of my trip.)  I have stalked her on FB.  Her dog quilts are just so realistic.

I drove and drove and drove, and then I hit a dirt road and drove quite a distance more.  I normally don't enjoy driving, but I could have driven for hours with that view.  I'm surprised there aren't more accidents.  As you are engulfed by the mountains, you're in the midst of evergreens and waterfalls and scenery that made me think about how great the forces must have been to create such geological formations.  

Photos cannot convey the majesty of these mountains.

I was on a mission as I left the open house. As I was driving into the mountains, I saw a sign for Rocky Mountain National Park.  A lightbulb went on. There is a Senior Lifetime pass to The National Parks.  Free admission forever.  The Sr age is 62.  My age! Sunday was the last day that it could be bought for $10.  On Monday the price was being increased to $80.  Where else could I get a pass with that deadline?

It took me a while to find the location where I could purchase one. I had no cell phone reception and was hoping I was heading in the right direction.   A ranger station where I stopped had quite a high elevation.

I couldn't buy it there.  The Park Ranger did tell me where to go and handed me a map. One hour later- success!!
Good for life and everyone who is in my car.  It was truly a great day.

Part 3 of my Denver trip has to do with Bailey and Barbara Yates Beasley.  Don't forget to come back!


  1. Glad you got your pass, it is truly a treasure. Enjoy using it.

  2. I've made that drive many times -- stunning. Makes me want to move to Colorado-- except for winter.


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