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Wednesday, September 13, 2017

We Have A Winner and My Key West Home

I have received many inquiries about our home in Key West and I appreciate every body's concern. There have been bits of news coming out of the island, but there is no cell service  (nor water or power) and information is scarce.  It appears that Key West did not suffer the devastation that some of the other keys experienced.
From NOAA  we have been able to see satellite imagery of our courtyard.  It looks like the roofs are in tact.  That's good news.  Now we are anxious to hear if there has been any water damage.  I imagine it will be several more days or maybe a week, before someone actually checks our place.  

Key West has been the inspiration for much of my fiber art.

I am trying to keep myself busy while waiting for news.

On to happier news.  The giveaway for my Island Batik blog hop is over.  

And the winner is:
Sylvia Jackson
Congrats Sylvia.  The stack of batiks will be on the way to your fabric stash as soon as I get your address.  Many people commented and it was so fun to hear your back to school excitement.  By far, most of us looked forward to new clothes and that beautiful, big box of crayons!  
Thanks to all those that entered,   


  1. I was thinking of you and your home, glad that the area faired better than the others, so hopefully everything will be ok.


  2. am keeping fingers, toes and eyes crossed for your home.

  3. Good to hear that you probably came thru OK.


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