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Sunday, October 22, 2017

Is It About The Yarn?

When I origianlly thought about writing this blog post, I was planning on writing about how sometimes a respite of simplification can clear your mind to let the creativity flow.  I went up to the lake for 2 days before a crazy travel schedule that includes 2 nights in Virginia, 2 nights at home and then off to Quilt Market.  I left home with my suitcases packed for Market relieving me of that stress.

I was sitting on the dock, surrounded by beautiful autumn leaves with Bailey thinking about nothing.  That's very unusual since if I'm not thinkig about what I am working on now, I am thinking about my next 3 projeccts.  I found this to be so calming.  I could appreciate nature's bounty and my lucky lot in life.  When I clear my mind the peacefulness brings creativity.  It's a good way to break a creative block.  

And then we went to The New York State Sheep & Wool Festival, also known as Rhinebeck Sheep & Wool.

I was surrounded by thousands of knitters including my DIL and her Mom.  The night before the show we crafted our own sheep ear headbands.

They were quite a showstopper and we were stopped many times for photos! Not something that I am used to, but when in Rome!  So you may see me on IG in my sheep ears!

The colors and textures of all the different yarns and wool was mesmerizing.

I was determined not to buy any because most of my knitting projects end up getting finished by a wonderful friend of mine.  I either lose interest or mess up.  And tada! I did not buy any yarn.

So what does a quilter who deosn't knit buy at a Sheep & Wool Festival?
 Leather!  I found these beautiful leather handles that I think will look great with a quilted bag. 
 And they had a scrap bag  of leather strips for handles of all sizes fo $5.00!  I can't wait to make a bunch of wristlets.  I also bought some leather scraps for $3.00.

I loved this card with the border collie.It's a print of a paper cut.  I know someone who will really love this.

I also love all the live animals, perfect for photos - perhaps to make a new Mini Mosaic Quilt?

This llama was mesmerized by our ears!

So what does a quilter buy at Sheep & Wool?

I bought these beautiful 30" handles that I have in mind for a quilted bag.
And they had scrap bags for $5.
These leather strips will be perfect for wristlets, lots of wristlets.

And the food - there was any kind of food you could think of.  We ate from this food truck and it was delicious.

Looking at the Festival in broad strokes, we were supporting small independent farmers who are in a business that they love and create beautiful fibers.

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  1. It looks like a fun day and the weather was perfect!

  2. Baahbaah, any black sheep?? Meeeeeeeh


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