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Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Teacher or Instructor

Tomorrow morning, early in the morning, I'll be leaving the house to head to the airport to fly to California.  How early? 4:15AM.  That is if the snow doesn't cancel/postpone the flight.  I'm hoping the weather people are building up the hype, like they so often do. 

I'm excited to be heading west to where the weather is sunny and warm.  I was invited to teach at The Road 2 California, the largest quilt show on the West Coast.  My career philosophy has been that you just never know which door will open and when.  You just need to be open to opportunity.  During Quilt Market in October 2016, I presented a class during Schoolhouse about what they could do with this new template called Curvalicious.  There were about 30 attendees.  We collected their business cards, but I never scrutinized who was there.  Fast forward about 7 months when  I received an e-mail from Road 2 Ca.  When I asked where they had heard of me - it was Schoolhouse!

I am thrilled to be teaching 4 classes. The preparation started 2 months ago.  This included putting together kits, preparing step outs, and figuring out how I was going to get it all to California.  There is only so much luggage that one person can shepherd through the airport even  after paying extra luggage  fees.  Three weeks ago, we sent a 70 lb suitcase via FedEx to the organizers.   

When I was taking classes, I never thought about how much work it was to teach either around the corner or across the country!  Is it worth it? You betcha!  Meeting and sharing what  I've learned and developed with other quilters is one of the driving forces for me.  It is pure joy to be with people who speak the same language.

So do I consider myself a teacher or instructor? It's a combination of both.  Teaching a technique and then having students take it and use it to make their own creations is one of my goals.   My other goal is for students to feel successful.

So on the eve of my leaving for California, I needed a little pouch to hold my important stuff.  I love making zippy pouches and I just adore this doog fabric.
and I was so happy to line it with this fabric that looks like Curvvalicious, gievn to me by a friend.  And how about that polka dot zipper?

One last housekeeping item.  Between my blog, IG and FB, there were over 500 comments.  I wish I could send somethig to everyone, but for now ther can only be one winner.  The winner of my giveaway celebrating my final project as an Island Batik Ambassador
is Tiffinyquilts.  Congratulations Tiffany.  As soon as you send me your address, I'll send you a package full of goodies.  Thank you to everyonne who entered and who follows my wonderful quilting adventure.


  1. The sheer amount of organizing you did to get everything from East Coast to West Coast makes me want to lie down for a nap! Four classes require lots of stuff and lots of thinking ahead. Impressive. Have a great trip.

  2. Enjoy California Cheryl. And congrats on teaching at Road To Cali. Look forward to seeing you in Daytona at AQS.


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