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Saturday, February 3, 2018

I've Been Seduced

I'm not a big sports fan, and neither is anyone else in my family, but when your football team is heading to the Superbowl, things change!  Yes, I am a fairweather sports fan.  I barely watch any sports on TV.  Although I do watch some golf when I'm enmeshed in a quilting project on a Sunday afternoon.

So now I'm a huge Eagles fan.  I love seeing stories  about the different players and seeing different groups performing the Eagles theme song on TV.  There are signs in many businesses cheering them on, and how about them changing the sign for Boston Market to Philly Market? There are lots of people dying their hair green.

I would not recognize any of the players if I bumped into them on the street or in the airport, even if they were un uniform,  but I'm superimpressed that Chris Long, donated his entire 2017 base salary of $1million to the Philadelphia school district.
As soon as they won the opportunity to go  the the Superbowl, pop ups shops aka tents showed up on many street corners selling t-shirts and other souvenirs.
It's easy to be seduced.  Years ago, which may have been the last time the Eagles went to the Superbowl. I spent the season sending an Eagles something  or other to my son in law school.  Each time the Eagles were scheduled to play, I sent him a mini football, or shot glass or balloon.  As with any good superstition, I continued to do it  and  they continued on a winning streak.  I don't remember what year that was, but it sure was fun finding Eagles memorabilia to send in the mail.  It's hard to know if the recipient had as much fun receiving as I did sending.

So this week, as a fair weather fan, I had to purchase a few t-shirts:
Go Eagles!!!


  1. How about free WAWA coffee all day today (til kickoff) in PA, MD, NJ, DE & VA!

  2. Fair weather sports fan. I love that. Never heard of it. What am I if I only watch the superbowl and mostly for the commercials. My girlfriends and I are actually having a Superbowl sewing party. We sew with the game on the tv and eat of course. Enjoy your day and I hope your team wins!

  3. I am on the same page. Seduced is the word!


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