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Sunday, August 8, 2010


Good Bye Concentricity!

  The inspiration for "Concentricity" was found walking the sidewalks of St Augustine, FL.  Every once in a while, there would be these tiles.  They really struck me because I love circles in circles.  I used whatever beautiful fabric that I could find.  Some had a little bit of glitz to them.  I used silk, cotton, lame and some types of metallics.  They were carefully fused to each other.  Careful is the operative word, because many of these fabrics would melt if the ion was too hot.  I hand stitched them to each other with all kinds of beautiful threads. The name comes from these concentric circles.

So, why am I saying good bye?  "Concentricity" is leaving home for one year of travelling.  It was accepted into a special exhibit, titled "Tactile Architecture", sponsored by the International Quilt Association (IQA).  The first stop is their show in Houston.  This is one of the most prestigious quilt shows.  I am honored to have a quilt exhibited there.  It will then spend the rest of the year traveling to their other shows.  

So, if you see "Concentricity", say hi.

1 comment:

  1. Very cool--the quilt and the exhibit. I am currently working on a tile series and hope it works out half as well as yours:)


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