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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

A Trip To Lancaster County

When I am creating a quilt, it starts with an idea.  Next comes the color choices and then usually the fabric.  I have to say that I hardly ever have the entire quilt designed before I start.  The quilt evolves as I piece it together.  So of course then I get to the point where I NEED a certain type of fabric that I don't have on my shelves.

The dilemma then becomes where to go.  There are no fabric stores around the corner.  It becomes a road trip.  But I want to make sure that the odds are good that wherever I go I will find what I need.  Quilt shops have the personalities of their fabric buyers.  If I need a certain type of fabric, I go to a certain store.  The project I am working on is made from batik fabrics.    I decide to head out to Burkholders out in Lancaster County - a mere 1 1/2 hrs away.  My  traveling companions are up for a road trip, so my husband and Bailey pile into the car.

We head out to the quilt shop via the PA Turnpike.  This shop did not disappoint.  There was recently a bit of a change in ownership.  But I have to tell you that the shelves were packed.  There was over a 30ft long aisle filled with batiks.  If I couldn't find something here.  The batiks were $7.99/yd and if you are a guild member they give you a 12% discount.  I found several options and bought them all.  Yipppeee!  Success!!

Then we headed for lunch at this nearby luncheonette, where the food is good and cheap.  And we were able to eat outside at their picnic tables with our chow hound.

We decided to mosey on home via a country road to get our fill of farm scenery and stop at farmstands for locally grown produce for our dinner.  The sky was so blue and there was corn growing as far as the eye could see.  You can't even count the number of farms.  Barns and silos everywhere dotting the countryside.

Maybe not a farm, but I couldn't resist.

How could this not make you smile?
A wagon full of canteloupes with 2 adorable Amish girls hiding behind it.  The canteloupe was as sweet as candy.

Border Collie pups or watermelons?


We got the BEST corn from this stand.

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