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Monday, August 30, 2010

Play Day

I really needed a play day.  My brain has been taxed.  I have spent the last couple of weeks writing patterns.  I still have a few to write, but those can wait.  I need a fun day.  I had refrained from dyeing fabric while waiting to tape The Quilt Show.  I always end up with dye on my hands, no matter how careful I am .  I didn't think that would look good on camera.  So the show is done and I've been itching to put some color on fabric.  My inspiration has been this group of fabrics that I bought at the Quilt Odyssey show this summer.  I love these colors.
I had 3 1/2 yds of one PFD fabric and some smaller pieces of some other PFD fabrics.  I also found an apron at Target that was 100% cotton and I had  a PFD t-shirt that I had bought when I was at Pro Chem.  I also decided to  play around with dyeing some threads.  I like to use these plastic rods from my kids' K'nex.  Aren't I glad that I decided to save them for potential grandchildren and now they have been repurposed. 

To limit the amount of dye that ends up on my hands, I like to use plastic baggies.  If I want a mottled look, I just put in the fabric, pour in the dye mixture, then the soda ash solution and I leave it.  If I want a more solid look, I mush, mush, mush it.

Ta dah - the results:

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