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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Hidden Talent in Lancaster County

While exploring Lancaster County farm country a few weeks ago, we came upon a farmstand.  There was wonderful inexpensive produce and lots of folk art handpainted signs. I had to buy one and it was a tough decision.  But I chose the one below, because my middle name is Joy.  It was the honor system with a metal box and there was no price. 

Someone noticed my dilemma and sent the artist out.  His name is Phil and he does a lot of folk art, sells at a few open houses and travels to a few select craft shows. There is actually an open house at the farm Sept 3 and 4.   His wooden painted houses are just fantastic.  If you go to his Etsy site you'll even see a house with "Quilts" on it.  Check out his blog. and you will see the stand and MY sign that is now hanging in my studio.  He calls his family "The Happy Chappys". But the best discovery was the NCC photo blog.  One of the Happy Chappys  is a very talented photographer.  The photos taken at Longwood Gardens are unbelievably gorgeous.  You have to take a look to see the surprise point of view.

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