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Sunday, January 2, 2011

Hello 2011

Happy New Year everyone.  As expected I did not make it up to see the ball drop.  Oh well, age has its drawbacks.  I did see the fireworks in Sydney on the 6:00 news.  Does that count?

Here's my list of intentions and wishes for the upcoming year:

1.  Spend lots of time travelling to quilt guilds sharing my Fiesta quilts.
2.  Good health
3.  A grandchild (hahahaha)
4.  Write a 2nd quilt book
5.  Do a better job of staying in touch with family
6.  Declutter my house
7.  Let my husband know how much I love him every day
8.  Get back into shape and on my bike
9.  A trip or 2 to an exciting locale
10.  Continue to share my knowledge and life on this blog, connecting with the most wonderful people


  1. From the hahahaha, I think you will get your grandchild about the same time as I get my redheaded greatgrand child.Although I don't want one too soon, maybe in 5-10 years!

  2. Good worthwhile resolutions, you do it!

  3. The bad news-at least one wish will not be coming true in 2011. The good news- I promise it will be less than 5-10 years before it does finally come true!


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